Hall Johnson, Born Loser’s Band of The Week, is making in noise in the Dallas music scene and around the state. The five-piece band composed of Milo Cortese (Guitar and Vocals), Trevor Stovall (Guitar and Synth), Landry French(Bass), Thomas Stuart (Guitar), and Lucas Burns(Drums) recently released their debut EP “Goalie” Check out our interview with the Dallas boizzz to learn more about who Hall Johnson is. ... Also, shoutout to our dude Brandon. Sorry we cyber-bullied you. It was mostly Landry’s fault.
Rapid Fire Questions
1.What band do you think you could beat up in a fist fight?
Milo: Johnson Hall, fuck those guys Trevor: The Wiggles, they will be fruit salad when we’re done with them. Landry: Sylvester Stallone, he’s not in a band but his face already looks beat up. I wouldn’t feel guilty.
2.What song are you jealous that you didn’t write? Milo: Every song off Coldplay’s “Parachutes”, JUDGE ME Trevor: Right now, Kim By Joy Again. Or every Strokes song.. Well off the first two records at least. Landry: Master of Puppets, symphonic.
3.Are there any bands or albums that you’ve really been into lately?
Milo: Beach Fossils, Alvvays, American Football, Petite League, Sophmore Trevor: King Gizzard for sure, along with Joy Again, and DIIV. Always DIIV. Landry: Beacon by Two Door Cinema Club and Soaked by Hot Flash Heat Wave.
4.Last book you read? Milo: Native Son Trevor: Wuthering Heights, kind of, not really, a little bit, screw you Heathcliff. Landry: Catcher in the Rye.
5.Favorite rapper?
Milo: The king, Kweku Collins Trevor: If we are talking about a single rapper then Earl, but a collective probably BROCKHAMPTON. Landry: Trevor stole Earl Sweatshirt from me (of course), so i have to say Young Thug. Which I have no problem with.
6.What is the best way to become famous before in the next few years so I can die by the time I’m 27? Milo: I can only think of evil things…. Trevor: COURTNEY KILLED KURT Landry: Who’s 27?
7.My cousin Jorge is a fan of you guys. Can you give him your best piece of life advice?
Milo: You know all the people who kinda care about you but don’t really? Drop them. Trevor: First off, thank you Jorge we really appreciate it. I think the best life advice is just to enjoy what you are doing and never taking anything ever for granted. Landry: Don’t ever side with anyone against the Family.
8.Does Lola Bunny think I’m cute? Milo: No idea who that is… Trevor: Well I know according to Garth Algar, when bugs bunny dresses up as a lady he thinks he’s kind of attractive. But Lola Bunny, overrated. Landry: sure.. sure
9.Not to get political, but what do you think led to the fall of the Roman Empire? Milo: The main reasons are probably the increased amount of wealth inequality and rise of corruption. The Roman Empire was doomed from it’s beginning like all other empires. Trevor: Not enough Caesar dressing. Landry: Brandon, take your shirt off.
10.What is the last concert that you guys went to? Milo: Whitney was the last concert I watched, amazing band and amazing performers. Trevor: Hovvdy along with Crumb and Madeline Crisman. Amazing show every performer is so talented and are true master of their craft. Landry: The Drums supported by Hoops. Hoops killed it, but The Drums singer was wacky. I respect it though, but I didn’t enjoy their performance. No offense.
Isaac Gutierrez for Born Loser.: To start things off can you tell us a bit about Hall Johnson for those who may not be familiar with you?

Milo: I’m Milo Cortese, I was born in Boston but raised in Texas. I met the guys in high school and to be honest we didn’t really like each other until like sophomore year and now they’re like my brothers. We started because we thought bands were cool and my dad was in one in high school but I can honestly say I’m shocked it’s gotten this far haha. My biggest fear is probably the band failing completely or flying insects.
Trevor: I’m Trevor Stovall, Born here in Dallas Texas. We started the band after Milo and Tommy asked me to jam and I invited Landry to play and the rest is kind of history.
Landry: Don’t listen to anything they have to say because this is MY band.
BL: I read somewhere that you had nobody to play drums, so Trevor had to learn. What are the chances that you guys add an extra drummer and let me join the band? Imagine how cool having two drum sets on stage would be.
Milo: King Gizzard already did that but nice try buddy.
Trevor: Milo doesn’t even like King Gizzard don’t even. It would be awesome but imagine loading in and out every night with two kits haha.
Landry: Respect.
BL: I had the chance to see you guys at skate or die a few months ago! What was that experience like for you guys? Did you get the catch any of the other performances? Which was your favorite?

Milo: It was amazing to be playing a festival with bands I loved before I was even in a band. I watched Surf Curse and Frankie both of which were amazing!
Trevor: It was kind of a dream come true. When I saw the line up with us next to some of these bands I was overwhelmed and felt like things were really paying off. I’m forever grateful for that opportunity. I got to see Surf Curse and Frankie Cosmos and those two were my favorite for sure.
Landry: It was dope to be on a lineup with many cool bands who honestly have no idea who we are. Very humbling.
BL:You got to eat tacos with Frankie Cosmos. What was THAT experience like?
Milo: I didn’t really talk to her that much but we chatted with the Surf Curse guys and they gave us lots of wisdom from their career!
Trevor: She’s incredibly kind and really humble, but yeah we talked to Surf Curse a lot and that was really eye opening and we just tried to soak in as much knowledge as possible.
Landry: I think I was in the bathroom for that.
BL: You recently released you first EP “Goalie” Can you tell us a bit about that EP?Milo: It’s a mix of the 1st songs we wrote, super excited for our next releases because the songs are a bit different and a lot better in my opinion.
Trevor: It took a lot longer than we expected but it got it’s name from a family friend of ours who is the goalie, the protector. It’s for him really.
Landry: It was the first time we ever actually enjoyed recording music. So that is really exciting.
BL: My personal favorite track from the EP is “Reds” What is the inspiration behind that song?
Milo: A girl I dated….
Landry: My car is red, it’s probably about me.
BL: . . . What happened on the fourth date???
Milo: It all fell apart…,
Trevor: I don’t even know honestly haha.
Landry: ...
BL: Who did the cover art for the EP? It’s really cool

Milo: Sam Whitney (@slamuelwhitney) very talented dude.
Trevor: Hit him up for real, Syracuse representing over there.
BL: What band has influenced you guys the least?
Milo: Ahhhh, that’s such a tough question because music is so subjective! I think all bands have bad things and good things about them but I’ve definitely seen bands, big and small, do things that I would never do.
Trevor: I don’t know if I could name a single band but as a genre it would probably be country. Because it influenced me to listen to good music.
Landry: Coldplay for sure, yuck. JK
BL: What is something that someone else in the band would be completely embarrassed if you shared it with us?
Milo: Anything that happened late at night on Texas tour...
Trevor: This is a tough question, I’d have to say if we shared what happened at band practice. That’s all I’m gonna say.
Landry: Brandon take your shirt off.
BL: How often are you guys around each other when you aren’t at band practice or performing?
Milo: I see them everyday because we go to school together and stuff. The band is just a part of our friendship which I think is really good. A lot of time we talk about sports, girls, video games or any other random stuff.
Trevor: Every day, senior year is a blessing because we get out early and that just leads to us hanging out more.
Landry: All. the. Time. Which is great.
BL: Which one of you guys farts the most?
Milo: Landry or me, Trev’s farts are mysteriously missing hmmmm.
Trevor: it’s bad, just like not in the band room please don’t fart in the band room.
Landry: Does keena count? That’s Milo’s dog.

BL: How is the Dallas music scene treating you guys?
Milo: Good for the most part, the indie scene here is pretty detached, most of our “band friends” don’t live around here besides Sophmore.
Trevor: It’s really cool. Being in any scene I think is just awesome, especially when people in the scene that you’ve never met know who you are. That’s the coolest part.
Landry: A band named Delmer Dennis has been nothing but genuine and supportive of us. Much love to Trey and the mermen for their class.
BL: Favorite show that you’ve played?

Milo: Growl Records in Arlington!
Trevor: March 4th, our first ever house show was so cool. 150 people showed up to this club house we reserved. Kids from our school and the whole DFW area really showed up.
Landry: We opened for Hot Flash Heat Wave and Innerwave at Dada which was super cool because I enjoy both of their music and have seen many of my favorite bands there.
BL: Worst show that you’ve ever played?
Milo: For me it was Starwood Studios at the end of the summer, I’ll just say it was emotionally draining.
Trevor: Houston, because we didn’t get to play.
Landry: Starwood Studios, we all played so bad.
BL: If you could plan your perfect tour what would it look like?
Milo: Maybe you’ll find out soon….
Trevor: Dream tour would be to tour Europe with Whitney and Real Estate. Real Estate Headline with us and Whitney opening.
Landry: Antarctica with Iron Maiden. Talk about pioneering.
BL: What has been your proudest achievement so far?
Milo: Probably playing and forming relationships with bands that I listened to before the band.
Trevor: Booking and playing a Texas Tour we solely did all on our own.
Landry: Actually staying together as a band for a year.
BL: What are some things that you still want to accomplish as far as your musical career?

Milo: Become a bomb-ass singer and play like the Glastonbury main stage or something.
Trevor: Get more connected in the industry scene and be able to make a living off of it.
Landry: Play KEXP or Audiotree.
BL: Is there something that not even the most devoted HJ fan would know about you?
Milo: I have a heart-shaped birthmark on my arm, that’s just random though.
Trevor: I swim on the swim team at my high school.
Landry: My middle name is….
BL: What are you guys currently working on, and what can we expect to see from you in the future?

Milo: I can’t say anything for sure besides an album some point soon because we’ve already started writing it and tour dates in the summer of 2018.
Trevor: An album with a tour to follow that will be bigger than anything we’ve ever done.
Landry: Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
Listen to the band here!
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