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Soap Interview


Rapid-fire Questions

1. What has been your favorite album of 2020 so far?

Wachito Rico by Boy Pablo

2. What band has influenced you the least?

Metallica / Greta Van Fleet

3. What other band names were you thinking of using before you decided on soap?

Marble / The Adélies (lol) / Comfort Zone / French Soap / Los Sads haha.

4. Who would win in a basketball game? Your band, or Shrek and his 3 babies?

If it’s an online game we would win because Shrek’s fingers are very fat, but if it’s a live game it depends on how much the Shrek babies puke. But we think we can win.

5. What was the first concert you ever attended?

Mariano: Black Sabbath

Gugi & Alfred: The Alan Parsons Project

Adélie: Cocofunka

6. If you had to add one fictional character to your band, who would you choose?

Gary, the SpongeBob snail

7. What is Shrek’s last name?


8. What did you grow up listening to?

Shakira, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and Gorillaz.

9. What is the worst advice that you can give me?

Taking a gravity bong before recording will seriously improve your game lol

10. Would you consider doing an ABBA cover?

Only if Men I Trust haven’t done it before


To start things off, can you introduce yourself and tell us your role in the band?

Adélie (20yo): The singer and writer, actually studying architecture in Paris. Likes to spend her time in thrift shops, has seen almost every good movie/series on Netflix and loves sunshine.

Mariano (22yo): Plays the keyboards and the bass. The sad, romantic guy.

Gugi (22yo): Plays the guitar and the bass. The synth guy, but he doesn’t know how to play keyboards. Likes to play tetris during recording sessions.

Alfred (25yo): Drummer and beat maker, vintage drum machine lover. Studying something that only exists in Russia. Gugi’s big brother.

Goma: Adélie’s Boyfriend and a Soap friend. He suggested Soap as our band’s name.

How did you first get involved in music?

It all started at school, when we (Gugi, Alfred and Mariano) formed a band called Polen Rojo. We participated in student contests and were doing quite well, but we were missing a voice. Adélie started a little later, doing songs in Garageband to pass the time.

You have band members from Costa Rica, Paris, and Moscow. How did you link up and decide to form a band?

We were all in the same school when we started the band (Polen Rojo), but it wasn't until we left the school that Gugi realized that Adélie was recording her own songs and publishing them on Soundcloud with the hashtag #BedroomPop. One day, we sent her a song that we thought would be very good with her voice. Almost hours later, Adélie had already recorded something over the instrumental part, and it was then that we realized that her voice was very compatible with our style.Then, we started working on bedroom pop projects together and we got along pretty well.

Is it difficult creating and collaborating being so far away from each other?

Yes, the main difficulty is that we can’t play live. We also have difficulties with the visual content, and with the fact that we can’t have band pics or live sessions like the other bands.

Are there any benefits to being so far away from each other?

We think that working at a distance helps us to be more productive, in the sense that we are more distracted when we are all together. Also, our identity as an internet band has its novelty.

I know that traveling this year has been difficult, but have you been able to meet in person yet?

This year we met only two times, but on none of these occasions were the four of us together. (we were always missing Alfredo or Adélie)

Can we expect a Soap tour when/if the world is finally back to normal?

At the moment we don't have enough songs to do a concert but we would love to be able to do a tour some day in Mexico and the United States (where we are most listened to). Maybe in the summer in 2 years when we're on college vacation.

What would your ideal tour look like?

We would love to be able to share the scene with the Bedroom Pop bands that inspire us. It would also be cool if people sang our songs.

The first song of yours I heard was your cover of “El Muchacho De Los Ojos Tristes”, which I didn’t even know was a cover until I looked it up. What made you decide to cover that song in particular?

We listened to it about 1 year ago and found that the mood of the lyrics is perfect for Bedroom Pop. We decided to make a cover that would sound more up to date with the help of synthesizers and a trap-influenced beat.

Thanks for introducing me to Jeanette. (Not really a question, but I need to get that out there)

Your welcome! We’re big fans of her work.

Can you walk us through the process of you creating a song?

All our songs are made in steps. First Mariano or Gugi start the song with the guitar or keyboards and then we send the audio through WhatsApp and Alfredo adds a Beat and Adélie tries with voice melodies until one of them fits well. When all the parts are done the song is finished in Costa Rica and then we send it to be mastered.

What usually inspires a song?

Generally we are looking for synthesizer sounds until we like one very much and then we make a song with it.

What are you currently working on?

We are working on several projects. Between January and February we will publish a dreamy song. Then we plan to make a song with R&B influence and maybe some collabs in the near future

What do you hope to accomplish through your music?

Making sure that people with broken hearts get their Ex's back lol.

Well we think we like to make love/unlove lyrics so that people feel identified and our music helps them go through those moments of sadness.

Can we expect an EP or an album anytime soon?

We do not expect to release an album in the near future because producing music is expensive. We have some songs in stock that could be released as an EP or as singles, we are not sure yet. What do you prefer? Wait longer to release an EP or have singles released faster?

Who do you consider your musical influences?

As there are many bands we prefer to talk about genres that influence our music. We like Lo-fi beats, Bedroom Pop, Dream Pop, Neopsychodelia, R&B, Vapor Wave and Bossa Nova.

I saw that you also have some other musical projects that you’re working on. Do you help eachother or collaborate on those projects as well, or are those more independent projects?

Yes, we have all collaborated in these projects. In Adélie’s solo project, “Keep the Tears Away” and “Weird Affection” were produced by Gugi and Alfred helped with the drums. Marble is Gugi and Alfred's experimental LoFi project and on the album “Robber Kid” Mariano helped with some keyboards. We will probably continue to work together on future releases of these projects. You can listen to both projects from our Spotify bio.

What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not working on music?

Play retro video games, watch videos and anime, chill with friends, drink cacique (Costarican national alcohol).

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the near future?

Well, at the end of this interview you can expect to listen to a unreleased song made by Soap.

To wrap things up, is there anything that you want to share with our readers? (It can literally be anything?)

We want to share with you a song that was recorded after we made Call Me but we decided not to publish it. This song is a demo that was never finished. The original project from Logic Pro was corrupted and the only audio of the song is this one that we have in our storage files of our WhatsApp chat. Sorry for the metronome haha.

This song is only for the people who read the whole interview, don't cheat.


Listen to the unreleased track here


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